Are you feeling uncertain about how to talk to your teen about food and bodies?

Do any of these sound familiar?

"My Year 9 daughter won't eat anything at school." 

"My child doesn't want any of the healthy options I offer them."

"My child wants to go vegetarian, should I be worried?" 

"I just want my child to have a good relationship with food and to be able to make good choices without me nagging."

"My child is getting some weird food ideas from social media, I don't know how to combat them." 

Then LIFEGUARDS is for you.


LifeGuards is THE course to help you help your teen to reject toxic Diet Culture.

When they were little you could edit the books and media they were exposed to, and you could keep them away from harmful diet conversations.  Now they're out in the world navigating weight, food and body talk daily!  You want them to have a great relationship with food and their body, AND to eat well and be healthy. 

Just like you taught them to swim and be safe in the water, you are their best resource to learn to identify, navigate and ultimately reject Diet Culture.

Join Meg McClintock & Susan Williams, non-diet dietitians for over 20 years and mums of three (we are the Brady Bunch of dietitians!) to feel confident talking to your teens about food and bodies in a safe protective way.  

LifeGuards will equip you with factual information and sensible strategies to give your teen the skills to sort fact from fiction.  We share the tools we use in our private practices so you can use them in your own home. 

LifeGuards is like having your own personal non-diet dietitian and body image advocate on hand.


Ok here come the swimming analogies!

You took them for swimming lessons as babies, toddlers and children.  Now they're at the beach with their friends and you hope they remember what you taught them about rips and sharks!  

Session 1 - 9am Tuesday May 28

Eating disorder risk factors and Diet culture 101 - what are we protecting our teens from?

Normal growth and eating behaviour in the teen years.

Nutrition and energy requirements for teens - they need HOW much??

The role of body image in eating disorder development.

Session 2 - 9am Thursday May 30

Diet Culture Audit. 

Identifying and responding to risks in your teens physical and digital spaces and communities.  Home, School, extended family social and traditional media. 

Parents roles to provide right balance of support and independence. Our favourite tools and conversation starters.

Session 3 - 9am Thursday June 3

Putting it all together. 

What if my teen is already struggling with rips or sharks?  When to call in back up.

What you can do if you (as a parent) realise that you’re not a strong enough swimmer or maybe are dealing with a few rips and sharks of your own?  

Q & A.

So who are Meg & Susan? 

We're both non-diet dietitians, we've helped hundreds of people heal their relationship with food and body. 

We've worked together to lecture to dietetics students, we've delivered school talks and even been non diet caterers! Nothing will test whether you work well together like 17 hours in a kitchen every day for a week!  

We're both Gen X'ers, Meg almost missed it, Susan is firmly mid Gen X. You can be sure we've weathered and rejected our fair share of toxic diet messaging.  We both have 3 children and we've been very intentional about keeping diet culture out of our homes. 

We want that for you too.

Click HERE to join us for LifeGuards

$197 AUD

One Off Payment

  • Sort out the hype from the fact in nutrition, health and body image for your teen.
  • Get personalised advice from two experienced non-diet dietitians (and experienced mums!)
  • 3 online sessions with Q&A time, join live or watch later.  Get our favourite tools to use in your home. 
  • Feel more confident in your role as LifeGuard for your teen.  Know when to step up or step back.


Saying goodbye to worrying about your teens relationship with food and their body image.

Knowing that you teen can safely and confidently navigate the rips and sharks of Diet Culture. 

Join us for LifeGuards