S3 Ep25 "That Sugar Nightmare"

Season #3

If you listened to last week's episode you'll know that we have started a change.org requesting ACARA to remove 'That Sugar Movement' from the list of resources in the Australian Curriculum. Recently there has  been some great changes to the food and wellbeing curriculum resources with the inclusion of eating disorder organisation's recommendations and school supporting programs as well as some clear recommendations in the supporting documentation recommending ceasing the use of BMI, not doing any activities that label foods good and bad and not doing and calorie tracking activities. This is great but undermined by the presence of 'That Sugar Movement' as a key resource really undermines it.

There's been a good response and if you haven't signed yet we'd appreciate your support. The next step will be getting the message out to teacher who are using it that it is incorrect, harmful and a terrible example of the use of science. In a time where the critical consumption of media has never been more important it's pretty horrifying that this is show in classrooms around the country to 'teach' about sugar. It needs to go so please sign and share.