Bonus episode : Your Fat Friend Film chat

Season #4

Popping back for a bonus episode to give you a nudge to get along to a screening of 'Your Fat Friend'.

The story of Aubrey Gordon (of Maintenance Phase podcast) who first rose to some recognition for her anonymous work blogging as yrfatfriend.

The movie delves into the lived experience of living life in a fat body. The impact on relationships, especially with her parents, on food and eating, movement decisions and interactions with the medical field. It's definitely worth a watch so check out the fanforce page to find a screening near you or even host one if there's not one you can get to. Our session was completely sold out so get in quick.

Best thing(s) we ate this week...

Thai from Thai Riffic in Parramatta

Tacos from Gringa in Wollongong

Small plate deliciousness from The Punthouse in Bateman's Bay